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Dr. Suresh Kumar Poonia
Associate Professor



Prof. Suresh Kumar is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Netaji Subhas University of Technology, East Campus (Formerly AIACT&R Govt of NCT Delhi) from June, 2007. He has recruited as an Assistant Professor (CSE) through UPSC in NSUT East Campus in June 2007. He has received his Ph.D. degree from Faculty of Engineering & Technology, MDU, Rohtak. Before joining NSUT East campus, he has worked as an Assistant Professor in many premier institutions like YMCAUS&T Faridabad, Manav Rachna International University, Amity University and GJU Hisar. He has more than 21 years of teaching, administrative and research experience. He has been awarded with Academic Excellence Award – 2017 by then Hon’ble MLA Sh. S.K.Bagga ji for his outstanding contribution towards Academic and Research activities at AIACT&R. and two premier research awards and one commendable research ward by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NSUT Delhi on 05.09.2024 for his outstanding research carried out in academic year 2022-23. He has successfully completed one year (2023-24) International Research Consultancy project “Amaze bot” from KKC Incl, Edmonton, Canada with worth Rs 10 Lakh. He is currently working on an International consultancy project with worth Rs 6 Lakhs funded from KKC Consultancy Inc. Edmonton, Canada. He has been granted a product patent titled “Remote Voting Machines (RVM) Systems by Intellectual Property, Government of India on 11.09.2024. He has also published a patent titled “Experimental Performance Evaluation of Rough Bayesian based Probabilistic Query Model for Uncertain Ontology” on 09.09.2022 and under examination for grant.  He has authored two books titled “Introduction to Big Data Technologies

“ and “Data Management” with Wiley Publisher in Dec 2023.He has also selected for the best paper award for his research paper titled “Novel Ranking Approach using Pattern Recognition for Ontology in Semantic Search” in ICICT-2019 at KIET Ghaziabad. He has worked as Ph.D. (Research Coordinator) and M.Tech (IS)- Course Coordinator since 2017. He has published more than 60 research papers including nine (08) SCI Indexed papers with good impact factors in reputed International Journals and conferences like IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elseveir and Tech Science Press. He has successfully guided two PhD scholar from GGSIPU, Delhi. Six more PhD scholars are pursuing their research work under his guidance. He has delivered more than 50 expert talks in International Conferences and FDP held at in India and abroad.

Works, Awards & Honors:

  • Recipients of Academic Excellence Award-2017.
  • Member of PGBOS& UGBOS of Indira Gandhi University Meerpur, Rewari, Haryana.
  • Delivered Twenty Five National and International Talks in Faculty Development Programme and International Conferences.
  • Visited Seoul, South Korea in 2012 to chair an International Conference.
  • Chairman Cultural Fest at AIAC&TR 2015.
  • PIO of the Institute more than 10 years at NSUT East Campus (formerly AIACT&R).
  • M.Tech Course Coordinator at NSUT East Campus (formerly AIACT&R) from 2018-2021.
  • Ph.D Course Coordinator at NSUT East Campus (formerly AIACT&R) from 2018-2021.
  • Overall Coordinator of M.Tech Admission Committee, NSUT Delhi for AY:2021-22.
  • MOU with YMCAUS&T is executed.
  • Renewal of MOU with NIT Delhi is executed.
  • Coordinator of NBA Criterion 4.





Publications in International Journal

1.Sanjay Kumar, Suresh Kumar, “Experimental Comparison of Clustering approaches for Data Representation”. ACM Computing Surveys, New York, 30th March, 2022. doi: Volume 55, Issue 3, March 2023, Impact Factor:16.6 (SCI)

2.Anil Sharma, Suresh Kumar, “Machine Learning and Ontology-Based Novel Semantic Document Indexing for Information Retrieval”. Computers & Industrial Engineering Journal, Elsevier. Volume 176, February 2023, Impact Factor:7.9(SCI).

3.Anil Sharma, Suresh Kumar, “Ontology-based semantic retrieval of documents using Word2vec model”. Data & Knowledge Engineering Journal,Elsevier. Doi:, Issue-March, Vol:144. ISSN:0169-023X. Volume 144, March 2023. IF:2.5. (SCI Indexed)

4. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar, “Uncertainty Analysis in Ontology‑Based Knowledge Representation”. New Generation Computing, Springer Nature. 17th March 2022. Doi:, IF:2.6 (SCIE Indexed)

5. Anil Sharma, Suresh Kumar, “Shallow Neural Network and Ontology-Based Novel Semantic Document Indexing, for Information Retrieval”. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing DOI: 10.32604/iasc.2022.026095, Vol-34, Issue-3, pp: 1989-2005, published on 25th May 2022. ISSN:1079-8587, IF: 3.4(SCIIndexed).

6. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar. “Ontology-based soft computing and machine learning model for efficient retrieval”. Knowledge and Information System (2023), Vol-65, Issue-12. (SCI Indexed)

7. Amit Kumar, Suresh Kumar, An Advance Encryption and Attack Detection Framework for Securing Smart Cities Data in Blockchain Using Deep Learning approach”. Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 135, Issue 3, pp:1329-1362, Springer, IF:2.2 (SCI).

8. R. Yaduvanshi, R. Yadav, S. Katiyar, S. Kumar and H. Parthasarathy, "Optical spherical dielectric resonator antenna for sensing and wireless communication", Frequenz, vol. 75, no. 1-2, pp. 49-59, 19th Nov-2020. Available at DOI:  10.1515/freq-2020-0086.IF:1.07 (SCIE Indexed)


9. Shilpee Patil, Alka Verma, Binod Kumar Kanaujia and Suresh Kumar “A Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Microstrip antenna using Elliptical Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure”. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, PP: 1-10, Sep, 2021, ISSN: Impact Factor:1.064, DOI: https:// IF:1.09 (SCIE Indexed),
10. A. Sharma and S. Kumar, "Bayesian rough set-based information retrieval", Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1147-1158, 29th July- 2020. Available: 10.1080/09720510.2020.1799575.ISSN:0972-0510(ESCI Indexed)


11. S. Dass, S. Kumar, “Comparative Analysis of Speech Processing Techniques at different Stages”. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Sciences, Brazil, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 18th June-2020. (UGC Care-I Listed, Sr No-159)


12. S. Singh, S. Kumar, “Personalized Web Search: A Survey”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 30-37, Feb-2021. (UGC Care -1, Sr. No-158)


13. Suresh Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Prajapati, Asok De, Manjeet Singh, “Realization of Threats and Countermeasure in Semantic Web Services”. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol.2, No.6, pp:919-924, December, 2010, ISSN- 1793-8201. [UGC Care-1 Listed, Sr No-178]



Sr. No

Application Id






Experimental Performance Evaluation of Rough Bayesian based Probabilistic Query Model for Uncertain Ontology

Published on 09.09.2022 by Govt. of India

Reply of FER filled on 12.07.23



Remote Voting Machine (RMV) System

Published on 21.07.2023 & granted on 11.09.2024 by Govt. of India

Patent Id:550028


1. Successfully completed an International Industry Consultancy Project titled “Amaze Bot for Canada” from KKC Incl. Edmenton, Canada of duration one year (2nd April 2023 to 1st April 2024) with budget 10 Lakhs.

2.  2nd International consultancy project titled “AmazeBot for Europe,U.K,Australia”-Discovery” from KKC Incl. Edmenton, Canada of duration one year from 2nd April 2024 to 1st April 2025” with budget 6 Lakhs in progress.

Publications in International Conferences

1. S. Kumar, N. Kumar, M. Singh, A. De.A Rule-Based Approach for extraction of Link-Context from Anchor-Text Structure. Proceedings of the Springer International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics ISI’12 India, Vol.182, pp 261-271, August 2012, ISBN: 978-3-642-32062-0.

2. S. Kumar, M. Singh, A. De. OWL-Based Ontology Indexing and Retrieving Algorithms for Semantic Search Engine. 6th IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Industry, Seoul, South Korea, pp: 1135-1140, Dec. 2012, ISBN:978-1-4673-0894-6.

3.  S. Kumar, N. Kumar, M. Singh, A. De. "Information retrieval modeling techniques for web documents", presented in international conference at Lingayas University Faridabad to be held on 1-3 Nov. 2010

4. S. Kumar; Prajapati, Rakesh Kr.; Singh, Manjeet; De, Asok. “Security enforcement using PKI in Semantic Web” presented in 6th International Conference on Next Generation Web Practices at Gwalior to be held on 23-25 Nov 2010. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CISIM.2010.5643507,pp:392-397, 978-1-4244-7817-0

5. P. Gridhar, S. Kumar, Manjeet Singh.” Comparative Study on Strengths and Weaknesses of Trust Algorithms in Semantic Web based Networks”. Proceedings of the 2ndSpringer International Conference on Advances in Computing and Computer Information Technology (ACITY), Chennai, India, pp.  July 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-31600-5.

6. Akhilesh Dwivedi, S. Kumar,A Cryptographic Algorithm Analysis for Security Threat of Semantic E-Commerce Web (SECW) for Electronic Payment Transaction System” Accepted in the First International Conference on e-technologies and Networks for Development, The Institute of Finance Management, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Aug. 3-5, 2011, pp 367-379, Springer Conference, India, ISBN:978-3-642-31599-2..

7. S. Kumar, Radhika Saini Network Layer Attack & Prevention Techniques in Mobile Adhoc Networks- A Study”presented in international conference on Science and Engineering ICSE 11 at Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak (Haryana) held on 21-23 January 2011, pp: 249-254, ISBN:978-981-08-7931-0.

8. S. Kumar, Mohit Wadhwa “Security Flaws common in IPV4/IPV6 and Security issues in IPV6” presented in International Conference on Science & Engineering (ICSE 2011) at Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak (Haryana) held on 21-23 January 2011, pp: 520-523 ISBN:978-981-08-7931-0.

9. Naveen Kumar, S.Kumar. Querying RDF and OWL Data Source using SPARQL. Proceeding of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, pp: 34-39, July 4-6, 2013, ISBN:978-1-4799-3925-1.

10. Yogender Negi, Suresh Kumar. A Comparative Analysis of Keyword and Semantic- Based Search Engines. International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics, Springer, July-2013, pp: 727-736, ISBN:978-81-322-1665-0.

11. Javed Ahmed Khan, Suresh Kumar. OWL, RDF, RDF inference derivation using Jena Semantic Inference framework & Pellet Reasoner”. International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology Research (ICAETR), 2014. Pp:1-8, 1-2 Aug. 2014 (IEEE), ISSN: 2347-9337.

12. Javed Ahmed Khan, Suresh Kumar.Deep Analysis for development of RDF, RDFS & OWL ontologies with Protégé”. International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO), 2014, Amity University Noida. pp:1-6, 8-10 Oct.2014 (IEEE), ISBN:978-1-4799-6895-4.

13. Sumit Kumar, Suresh Kumar. “Semantic Web attacks and Countermeasures”. International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology Research (ICAETR), 2014 Unnao Kanpur, India.Pp:1-5, 1-2 Aug. 2014 (IEEE), ISSN: 2347-9337.

14. Manjeet Singh, Naresh Kumar, Suresh Kumar. "Transformation from Keyword based Search to Semantic search: Problems, Current practices, and Future challenges"has presented in International conference (ICRITO'2010) to be held during Nov 1-3, 2010. At Lingayas University Faridabad.

15. Nanhay Singh, Mohit Dayal, R.S.Raw, Suresh Kumar, SQL Injection: Types, Methodology, Attack Queries and Prevention”. Proceeding of the 10th INDIACom-2016, IEEE Conference ID:37465, 2016 3rd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 16-18 March, 2016.

16. Shally Garg, Suresh Kumar,” Comparative Analysis of Trust Establishment Through Semantic and Non-Semantic Models. Proceeding of the 10th INDIACom-2016; IEEE Conference ID: 37465, 2016 3rd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 16-18 March, 2016.

17. Shally Garg, Suresh Kumar,” JOSN: Question Answering System based on Semantic Web and natural language processing”. In the 1stIndia International IEEE Conference on Information Processing 2016 at DTU Delhi. IEEE conference No-37817.

18.  Sanjana Bhanu, Suresh Kumar, Raghav Aggarwal, “Creating Best Fit Keys using Genetic Algorithm” Proceedings of the 11th INDIACom-2017, Conference Id:40353, 4th IEEE International conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development” 1-3rd March 2017, Bharti Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, pp: 4644-4650.  

19.  Deepti, S. Kumar, “Comparative Analysis of Topic Modeling Indexing Schemes” Proceeding of 12th INDIACom-2018, 5th IEEE International conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”.

20. S. Kumar and F. Ziya, "Study on MAC Protocols and Attacks: A Review," 6th IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), pp. 621-625, 2019.

21. A. Kumar, S. Kumar, “Need for Big Data Technologies: A Review”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC’s), pp. 343-347, 2019.

22. S. Gautam, N. Singh, S. Kumar, “Recent Advances and Countermeasures Against various attacks in IOT environment”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC’s), pp. 315-319, 2019.

23. S. Kumar, N. Chaudhary, “A Novel Trust Scheme in Semantic Web”, Springer Book chapter in Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 933. Part of Advances in Intelligent Systems and computing book series (AISC volume 933), pp. 103-110, Singapore., first online on 26.06.2019.

24. Neera Chaudhary, Suresh Kumar, Sachi Gupta (2021). A Novel Ontology Design and Comparative Analysis of Various Retrieval Schemes on Education Domain in Protégé. In: Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 154. Springer, Singapore., 16th Dec- 2020. Conference held on July 23-24,2020.

25. D. Vishwakarma, S. Kumar, “A Survey on Effective Index Design Schemes in Local and Distributed IR Systems,” 2nd International Conference held on May 26-27,2020.   

26. A. S Sharma and S. Kumar, “Rough Set Theory in Intelligent Information Retrieval: A Comparative Survey”, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 7105-7119, May-2020.

27. N. Chaudhary, S. Kumar, A. Kumar Yadav, “Novel Ranking Approach using Pattern Recognition for Ontology in Semantic Search Engine”, IEEE International Conference on Issues & Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques ICICT-2019, pp. 1-4, 2019. Conference held on September 27-28,2019.

28. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar, “Experimental Performance Evaluation of Uncertain Ontology Representation Using Bayesian Model”. 4th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing ICCIP-2022. Elsevier SSRN, held on 30-31th July, 2022.Added to SSRN Elsevier on 5th Dec. 2022, DOI:

29. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar, “Uncertain Ontology Model for Knowledge Representation and Information Retrieval using Decision Rules”, IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning, Computer Systems and Security (MLCSS-2022) held on 5-6th Aug August, 2022. Added to IEEE explorer on 28th March 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MLCSS57186.2022.00061.

30. Deepak Vishwakarma, Suresh Kumar, “Analysis of Recent Query Expansion for Information Retrieval Systems” in Springer Interntional Conference (ICCIS) held at SKIT,Jaipur during 25th -  26th November,2022.

31.  Deepak Vishwakarma, Suresh Kumar, “A Contextual Query Expansion Model using BERT Based Deep Neural Embeddings” in IEEE 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON-2023) held at GLA University Mathura, India during 3rd-4th March, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISCON57294.2023.10111984.

32.  Subhashis Chaudhary, Suresh Kumar, "Performance Evaluation of Text Document Using Machine Learning Models for Information Retrieval," 2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT), GL Bajaj Greater Noida, India, 2023, pp. 714-720, doi: 10.1109/ICDT57929.2023.10150858.

33. Aakash Singh, Suresh Kumar,”A Comparision of Machine Learning Algorithms and Transformer-based Methods for Multiclass Sentiment Analysis on Twitter”.2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 2023, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10306507.

34. Nikesh Kumar, Suresh Kumar,  "Enhancing Abstractive Text Summarisation Using Seq2Seq Models: A Context-Aware Approach," 2024 International Conference on Automation and Computation (AUTOCOM), Dehradun, India, 2024, pp. 490-496, doi: 10.1109/AUTOCOM60220.2024.10486110.

35. Nikesh Kumar, Suresh Kumar, “A Comprehensive Survey of Abstractive Text Summarization Techniques”, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computer Science and Engineering (IC3SE-2024) during 9th – 11th May 2024 at mity University, Greater Noida Campus, UP, India.

36. Bhaskar, Suresh Kumar, “Optimization of Sentiment Analysis using BERT”, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computer Science and Engineering (IC3SE-2024) during 9th – 11th May 2024 at Amity University, Greater Noida Campus, UP, India.

37. Aditya Kumar, Suresh Kumar, “Comparative Analysis and Optimization of Spam filtration Technique using Natural Language Processing”, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computer Science and Engineering (IC3SE-2024) during 9th – 11th May 2024 at mity University, Greater Noida Campus, UP, India.


Books/Book Chapters

1. M. Malhotra, AmitKumar, Suresh Kumar, V. Yadav, V.  Untangling E-Voting Platform for Secure and Enhanced Voting Using Blockchain Technology. In Transforming Management with AI, Big-Data, and IoT (pp. 51-72), Jan- 2022. Springer, Cham.

2. L. Madaan, D.Jindal, Amit Kumar, SureshKumar,M.S Naruka,. Secure and Enhanced Crowdfunding Solution Using Blockchain Technology. In Transforming Management with AI, Big-Data, and IoT (pp. 293-310), Jan- 2022 Springer, Cham.

3. Suresh Kumar, M.Gupta, “A Review of Focussed Crawling Schemes for Search Engine”. Springer book chapter in book Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. PP:311-317, Jan-2021. DOI:10.1007/978-981-15-5224-3_30. Conference held on Jan 24-25,2020

4. Rawat, D., Kumar, A., &Kumar, S. (2020). A Secure Electronic Voting System Using Decentralized Computing. In Distributed Artificial Intelligence (pp. 237-250). CRC Press, 18th Dec-2020.

5. J. Malik, S. Kumar, “A Novel Consumer Oriented Trust Model in E-Commerce”, in book: Smart and Sustainable Intelligent Systems, Wiley, March-2021. DOI:10.1002/9781119752134.ch29.

6. A. Sharma, S. Kumar, “Semantic Web-Based Information Retrieval Models: A Systematic Survey”, CCIS 1230, Springer Book Chapter In book: Data Science and Analytics, pp. 204-222, 5th International Conference on Recent Development in Science, Engineering and Technology (REDSET 2019), 2019. Conference held on Nov 15-16, 2019.

List of Communicated Papers:


1. Amit Kumar, Suresh Kumar, “Secure Transaction Framework using Blockchain Based Deep Learning with Optimal t-SDN Feature Extraction for IoT Driven Smart Cities”, Neural Computing and Applications, Elsevier communicated on 15.03.2024.

2. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar, "Deep Rough Framework for Uncertainty in Multiple Decision Ontology Integration”- Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier-2024, IF:8.7 (SCI) communicated on 14.06.2023.

3. Sanjay Kumar Anand, Suresh Kumar, BRASO:  A Framework for Modelling in Information Retrieval”, Soft Computing, Springer-2024, IF: 4.1 (SCI).

4.Deepak Vishwakarma, Suresh Kumar, “ Fine-Tuned BERT Algorithm Based Automatic Query Expansion for Enhancing Document Retrieval System”

5. Deepak Vishwakarma, Suresh Kumar, “DistillBERT-Powered Contextualized Query Expansion using K-means Term Clustering “







Introduction to Big Data Technologies





Data Management





Machine Learning


Yet to be assigned

Publications (Click to expand)

a. Rajveer S. Yaduvanshi, Rama Krishna Yadav, Suresh Kumar and Harish Parthasarathy. “Optical spherical dielectric resonator 121 antenna for sensing and wireless communication”. DE Gruyter, Frequenz, Impact factor-0.54, Vol:75, Issue:1-2, pp: 49-59, ISSN/eISSN: 0016-1136/2191-6349, 2020. (SCI-E Indexed).

b. Anil Sharma, Suresh Kumar “Bayesian Rough Set based Information Technology,” Journal of Taylor & Francis on Statistics and Management Systems, ISSN: 0972-0510 and DOI: 10.1080/09720510.2020.1799575, July 2020.[ESCI]

c. Sakshi Singh, Suresh Kumar, “Network Forensics using Snort and Wireshark” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, ISSN: 2233-7857, 13(3), 2020, pp. 509-515. [ESCI]


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