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Dr. D. K. Singh
Professor and Ex. Founding Head
B.Sc (Mech. Engg.), M.E., Ph.D

Areas of Interest

1. Fluid and Thermal Sciences

2. Supply Chain Management (SCM)

3. Operations Management


Publications in International Journals
  1. Kamal, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh,                  “Modelling and Optimization of Fluid Frictional Torque in a Single Stage Centrifugal Pump with a Vaned Diffuser based on RSM, ANN and Desirability Function (DF)”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (An International Journal), (Elsevier) (,       Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 728-741, 2025, Impact  Factor - 1.00, [SCIE].
  2. Rakesh Kumar Yadu, Achhaibar Singh,          D.K. Singh, “An experimental and optimization of heat transfer between two-disk systems”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (An International Journal), (Sage), (, Volume 238, Issue 22, pp. 10873-10888, 02         August 2024 (Online), Impact Factor - 1.8 [SCI].
  3. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “A machine learning-genetic algorithm based models for optimization of intensification process through microwave reactor: A new approach for rapid and sustainable synthesis of biodiesel from novel Hiptage benghalensis seed oil”, Fuel (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, (, Volume 374, 15 October 2024, pp.132470 (Impact Factor - 6.7 [SCIE].
  4. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “ A machine learning response surface optimization approach to enhance the performance of diesel engine using novel blends of aloe vera biodiesel with MWCNT nanoparticles and hydrogen”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, (An International Journal), (Elsevier) Science Direct, (, Vol. 186, pp. 738-755, June 2024, (Impact Factor - 7.8) [SCI].
  5. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, and Umit Agbulut, “A hybrid RSM-GA-PSO approach on optimization of process intensification of linseed biodiesel synthesis using an ultrasonic reactor: Enhancing biodiesel properties and engine characteristics with ternary fuel blends”, Energy        (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, (, Vol. 288, 01 February 2024, 129077, (Impact Factor - 9) [SCI].
  6. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kr. Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “A comprehensive machine learning-coupled response surface methodology approach for predictive modeling and optimization of biogas potential in anaerobic Co-digestion of organic waste”, Biomass and Bioenergy (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, ( November 2023 (Online), Vol. 180, January 2024, 106995, (Impact Factor - 6.0) [SCIE].
  7. Dheeraj Kumar Das, Aqueel Ahmad, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, Ashok Kumar Yadav, “Numerical simulation of the combustion chamber and performance analysis of microalgae-based biodiesel/diesel powered CI engine: An axisymmetric flow approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (An International Journal), (Sage), (, 10 December 2023 (Online), (Impact Factor - 2.4) [SCIE].
  8. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kr. Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “Multi-response optimization of a microalgae-spirulina-fueled VCR diesel engine: a comprehensive RSM-GA approach”, Environment, Development and Sustainability (An International Journal), (Springer), (, 28th October 2023 (Online), (Impact Factor - 4.9) [SCI].
  9. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “Enhancement of biogas yield from dual organic waste using hybrid statistical approach and its effects on ternary fuel blend (biodiesel/n‐butanol/diesel) powered diesel engine”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (An International Journal), (Wiley), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, (, Vol. 42,     No. 5, September/October 2023, (Impact Factor - 2.824) [SCI].
  10. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “Optimization of Biogas Yield from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Dual Waste for Environmental Sustainability: ANN, RSM, and GA Approach”, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (Inderscience), (, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 75-101, April 2023, (Impact Factor - 0.6 ) [SCI].
  11. Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “An Investigation on the Forced Convection Heat Transfer in the Gap of Two Rotating Disks with Laminar Flow”, Heat Transfer (An International Journal), (Wiley), (, Vol. 50,  Issue 7,  pp. 6964-6983, November 2021, (Impact Factor - 0.469) [SCIE].
  12. Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “An Investigation on Forced Convection in Clearance of Corotating Disks with Diverging Laminar Flow”, Journal of Fluids Engineering (An International Journal), (ASME),       Vol. 143, Issue 3, 034502-1 to 5, March 2021, (, (Impact Factor - 2.056) [SCI].
  13. Laxmi Narain and D.K. Singh, “Direct Normal Irradiance Predictions using Broadband Models for Indian Stations”, Energy Reports (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 572-576, 2020, (, (Impact Factor - 6.87) [SCIE].
  14. Anurag Singh Bisht and D.K. Singh, “Various Issues Concerning Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)”, International Journal of Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (IJAPIE), Vol. 4, Issue 2,          pp. 51-53, 2019, (,
  15. D. K. Singh and A. Trivedi, “Quality Management in Educational Institutions”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1,    pp. 40-44, March 2018.
  16. S. Choudhary, S. K. Nayak, A. Malik and D. K. Singh, “Important Issues in Supply Chain Management and Development”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 45-54, March 2018.
  17. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: Various Aspects of its Implementation” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.1582-1586,        May-June 2013.
  18. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Working with JIT requires a Flexible Approach”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (An International Journal), Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp.24-28, March-April 2013.
  19. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: A Strategic Tool of Inventory Management”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 2,         pp. 133-136, March-April 2013.
  20. D. K. Singh, “Synergy of JIT and Stockout Situations in Manufacturing”, Prestige International Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 2 and 3, No.2 and 1, pp.41-47, July 2009- January 2010.
  21. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Flexibility and JIT”, PCTE Journal of Business Management (An International Journal), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.103-106, Jan-June 2008.
  22. D. K. Singh, “An Automated JIT Manufacturing System”, PCTE Journal of Business Management (An International Journal), Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 28-32, July-December 2006.
Publications in National Journals
  1.  A. Chauhan, S. Sharma, and D.K. Singh, “Minimization of Transportation Cost: Genetic vs Traditional”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 6,      Issue 1, pp. 18-22, January-March 2019.
  2. 2. A. Prasanth and D.K. Singh, “An Optimization Model for Container Space Utilization for a Single Warehouse and Multiple Retailer System”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 6,     Issue 2, pp. 121-127, April-June 2019.
  3. Ashish Sharma and D.K. Singh, “Sustainable Development through Waste Management”, Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET), Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 87-91, April-June 2019.
  4. D.K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Synergy of Supply Chain Management and Information Technology in JIT”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 83-88, April-June 2018.
  5. A. Kataria and D. K. Singh, “Analysis of Supply Chain Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Model”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 105-109, January-March 2018.
  6. N. Singh and D. K. Singh, “A Mathematical Model-Based Supplier Selection”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 118-121, January-March 2018.
  7. H. Joshi and D. K. Singh, “Optimal Transportation Cost Using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (JAAE), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 17-19, January-March 2018.
  8. S. K. Suman, S. Chauhan, and D. K. Singh,        “A Mathematical Model to Optimize Cost in Reverse Logistics”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 110-113, January-March 2018.
  9. S. Rawat, T.K. Singh and D. K. Singh, “Forecasting Methods for Determining Food Demand”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 114-117, January-March 2018.
  10. P. Dwivedi, D.K. Singh, and P. Chamoli, “Application of AHP and PAM in Green Manufacturing”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 23-26, January-March 2018.
  11. S. Choudhary, A. Jacob, A. Trivedi, and D. K. Singh, “Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy”, Indian Journal of Economics and Development (IJED), Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 1-7, April 2017.
  12. D. K. Singh, “Kaizen Approach to Implement JIT”, GITAM Journal of Management, Vol. 10, No. 3,    pp.226-232, July-September 2012.
  13. D. K. Singh, “Quality Management: An Essential Ingredient for JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.327-334, January-March 2009.
  14. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Competitiveness through JIT”, Industrial Engineering Journal,    Vol. II, Issue 5, pp.26-29, November 2009.
  15. D. K. Singh, “Effect of Manufacturing Environment on JIT Implementation”, Rai Management Journal, Vol. 6, Issue II, pp.55-60, October 2008.
  16. D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation and Indian Industries”, GITAM Journal of Management,   Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.120-128, Oct-Dec 2008.
  17. D. K. Singh, “JIT & TQM: Synergistic Approach can lead to World Class Manufacturing”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol.11, No.1, pp.82-92, April 2007.
  18. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Implementation in Strategic Business Environment through Information Technology”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.36, No.07, pp.17-20, July 2007.
  19. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation in the Service Sector”, Productivity, Vol. 47, No. 1-2, pp. 55-63, April-September 2006.
  20. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “An Exploration of the components of customer satisfaction affecting JIT Implementation”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 10, No. 1 & 2, pp. 87-95, April-October 2006.
  21. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “How does JIT Work?”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 105-109, April 2005.
  22. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “The Scope of JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 628-633, January-March 2005.
  23. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “Economic Procurement Cycles in Response to JIT Concept”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Production Engg. Division, Vol. 85, pp. 36-40, September 2004
Publications in International Conferences
  1. Parth Sarthi Bhargava and D.K. Singh, “Solution for Food Waste Minimization using Data Analytics”, International Conference on Business & Management, 29-30th March 2019, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.
  2. Jayant K. Jha and D.K. Singh, “A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for a Green Open Loop Supply Chain”, 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL 2018), December 19-21, 2018, Amity University, Noida, India.
  3. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Supply Chain Management: A Buyer-Supplier Perspective and JIT”, IEEE Conference Proceedings (978-1-5090-6140-2/2017/© 2017 IEEE) of International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling (ICQPROM 2017), pp. 25-28, 5-7 January 2017, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, India.
  4. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Manufacturing and Information Technology: An Investigation into their Relationship”, International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Information Technology, Nov. 12, 2005, PCTE Ludhiana, India.
Publications in National Conferences

1. D. K. Singh, “Threats of Ozone Depletion and Environmental Degradation”, 10th ISME Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 9-11, 1996, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi.

2. D. K. Singh, “Renewable Energy: The Last Resort”, National Solar Energy Convention, Dec. 28-30, 1992,        IIT Delhi.

3. D. K. Singh, “Energy – Potential and Conservation”, National Solar Energy Convention, Dec. 28-30, 1992,        IIT Delhi.

4. D. K. Singh, “Quality Control in Development of Balancing Valve”, National Seminar on Energy Conservation and Management, Oct. 10-11, 1991, NIT, Kurukshetra.

5. D. K. Singh, “Scope of Energy Conservation in Lighting”,  All India Seminar on Thermal Insulation and other Devices for Conservation of Energy, Oct. 9-10, 1991, Institution of Engineers (India), New Delhi.

6. D. K. Singh, “By-pass Factor for Dehumidifying Coil”, Eight National Symposium on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Feb. 26-27, 1988, IIT Kanpur.

Books/Books Chapters

Books Publication (International)

  1. A First Course in Mechanics of Materials, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  2. An Advanced Course in Mechanics of Materials, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  3. Principles of Mechanical Engineering: An Integrated Approach, Springer, Singapore        (In Press), 2025.
  4. Inventory Management: A Supply Chain Approach, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  5. Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2024.
  6. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering: Concepts and Applications, Third Edition, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2024.
  7. Strength of Materials, Fourth Edition, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021.
  8. Strength of Materials, Third Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2014.
  9. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2014.
  10. Manufacturing Technology: Theory and Problems, Second Edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2009.
  11. Strength of Materials, Second Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008.
  12. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Second Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008.
  13. Manufacturing Technology: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2004.
  14. Mechanics of Solids: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2002.

Books Publication (National)

  1. Strength of Materials, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.,    New Delhi, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016.
  2. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014.
  3. Just in Time: Concept and Practices, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
  4. Multiple Choice Questions in Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  5. Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  6. Manufacturing Technology, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.,  New Delhi, 2012.
  7. Strength of Materials: Problems and Solutions, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
  8. Quality Control for Engineers and Managers, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi, 2001.

Book Chapters (International)

  1. Yash Murthy and D. K. Singh, “Supply Chain Event Alert Push Notifications for E-Commerce Business Managers” in Recent Developments in Mechanics and Design (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 343-351, 21 July 2024 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME - 2023.
  2. Varun Giri and D. K. Singh, “A Study on Challenges and Their Redressal in Supply Chain Management” in Recent Developments in Mechanics and Design (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 455-473, 21 July 2024 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME - 2023.
  3. Kamal, Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “Investigation of Tangential Shear Stress and Frictional Torque Coefficient over a Rotating Disk of the Rotor-Stator System”, Second International Conference on Aspects of Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME-2023),  13-14 October 2023, Materials Today, Elsevier, UK (Scopus).
  4. Aqueel Ahmad, Achhaibar Singh, D. K. Singh and Ashok Kumar Yadav, “An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Diethyl Ether as an Additive on the Performance of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine” in Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 69-75, 05 November 2022 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME- 2021.
  5. Dheeraj Kumar Das, Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “Highly Confined Flow Past a Circular Cylinder” in Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 199-207, 05 November 2022 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME- 2021.
  6. Debashis Pramanik and D. K. Singh, “Strategic Enhancement of Operating Efficiency and Reliability of Process Steam Boilers System in Industry” in Advances in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 413-430, 14 January 2021 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of ICAPIE- 2019
  7. Debashis Pramanik and D. K. Singh, “System Optimization for Economic and Sustainable Production and Utilization of Compressed Air    (A Case Study in Asbestos Sheet Manufacturing Plant)” in Advances in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 1031-1046, 14 January 2021 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of ICAPIE- 2019.
  8. Swadhin Kumar Nayak and D. K. Singh,        “An Approach to Implement Quality Tools in Inventory Management” in Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol.698, pp. 395-403, 29 September 2018 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (
University Research Award
  1. Premier Research Award (2020-21) for Excellence in Research of Rs. 1,00, 000/- for the research paper titled “An Investigation on Forced Convection in Clearance of Corotating Disks with Diverging Laminar Flow”, Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), Vol. 143, pp. 034502-1    to 034502-5, Impact Factor 2.056, 02 March 2022, (
Research Guidance/External Experts

External Examiner/Expert (Ph.D. Thesis)

  1. Durvesh (Roll No. 2K19/PHDME/504), “Design and Performance Analysis of Multistage Centrifugal Pump Using CFD”, DTU Delhi, 2024.
  2. Ashotosh Kr. Rai (Roll No.  2K15/PHD/ME/09), “Performance Prediction Modelling and Thermal Analysis of Heat Resistant Clothing”, DTU Delhi, 2024.
  3. Ashutosh Mishra (Roll. No. 2K18/PHD/ME/506), “Thermo Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plant”, DTU Delhi, 2024.
  4. Appurva Jain (163311202), “Experimental Measurements and Numerical Prediction of Rupture in Ductile Material during Mechanical Testing”, NIT Delhi, 2023.
  5. Shahbuddin (159121004), “Experimental and Analytical Study of Friction Stir Welding Process on AA7075 Aluminium Alloys under Different Welding Parameters”, GLA University, Mathura, India, 2019.
  6. Shyam Kumar Karna (10019990121), “Productivity Improvement by Parametric Optimization of Gravity Die Casting Using Taguchi Technique”, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, India, 2017.

M. Tech. Project Guided/Supervised at NSUT

  1. Varun Giri (2022PME6708), “A Study on Challenges and Their Redressal in Supply Chain Management”, 2024.
  2. Yash Murthy (2021PME6703), “Supply Chain Event Alert Push Notifications for E-Commerce Business Managers”, 2023.
  3. Anand Kumar Singh (2020PCD6205), “Demand Forecasting and Time Series Analysis of an Automobile Industry”,  2022.
  4. Abhimanyu Malik (2017PEM6007), “Startup Evaluation Review Technique”, 2020.
  5. Parth Sarthi Bhargava (2017PEM6005),          “A Data-Driven Solution for Food Waste Minimization”, 2019.

External Examiner/Expert (M. Tech. Thesis)

  1. Himanshu Rao Bharti (2K21/THE/07), “Performance Analysis of Inclined Micro-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer in Microchannel using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, DTU, Delhi, 2023.
  2. Md. Danish Khan (2K21/THE/20), “Numerical Analysis of Novel Mini Channel Cooling Plate for Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery Pack”, DTU Delhi, 2023.
  3. Maheep Dviwedi (2K21/THE/08), “CFD Analysis of Battery Thermal Management System”, DTU Delhi, 2023.
  4. Mohit Kumar Singh (2K21/THE/11), “CFD Analysis of Fuel Cell”, DTU Delhi, 2023.
  5. Shaurya Anand (2K20/THE/17), “Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer over Separated Finned Tubes with Different Profiles”, DTU Delhi, 2023.

Currently Enrolled Ph.D. Scholars at NSUT

  1. Aqueel Ahmad (2020RME1501) (TRF), “Experimental Analysis and Predictive Modeling on Hydrogen Enrichment with Biogas for Improving the Performance of a Diesel Engine Operating with Various Blends of Biodiesel" (Thesis submitted), October 2024.
  2. Purushottam Kumar (2024RME1507) (URF), “An AI-Based Supply Chain Management”.
  3. Chandra Shekhar (2022RME1507) (URF), “Comprehensive Energy, Exergy, and Emission Analysis of Multi-Cylinder SI Engines Using Ethanol-Petrol Blended Fuels”.
  4. Kamal (2021RME1508) (ADF), “Investigation of Fluid Flow in Rotor-Stator System with Application to a Centrifugal Pump”.
  5. Dheeraj Kumar Das (2020RME1502) (TRF), “Modelling and Investigations on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer on Rotor-Stator System of Turbo-machines”.
  6. Rakesh Kumar Yadu (2019RME1504), (NDF), “Investigation of Radial Inward Flow between two Parallel Disks in various Conditions”.

External Examiner/Expert for Accreditation

  1. B. Tech. (Aerospace Engineering) of Amity University, Noida, 18-19 May 2023.

Member of External Committee

  1. Departmental Peer Review Committee (DPRC), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India (for assessment of scientists for in-situ promotion in the Grade of Scientist „G‟ under Modified Flexible Complementing Schemes (MFCS), vide Office Memorandum No. A-32019/2/2022-ESTT-DSIR, dated 23-05-2023), 2023.
  2. Selection Committee, Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), an autonomous body under UGC, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, 16th November 2022 (for the recruitment of Engineer (Mechanical) in the Pay Level 10, vide Notification Ref. IUAC/01-2022/1108 dated 16th November 2022), 2022.
STP/Workshop Attended
  1. Three-day Workshop on “Awareness, Sensitization and Hand holding Program for NAAC Accreditation Procedures”, organized     by NITTTR Chandigarh at NSUT New Delhi,       26th - 28th July 2023.
  2. Two-hour session “Accreditation Process in India”, organized online by PTU Bhatinda,          at NSUT New Delhi, 9th June 2023.
  3. Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “NBA Accreditation Procedures”, organized by NITTTR Chennai at NSUT, New Delhi,            09th - 11th May 2022.
  4. Two-day Workshop on “Academic Leadership Alignment Programme (ALAP)”, organized by AICTE at New Delhi, 13th - 14th September 2022.
  5. One-week Industrial Training on “Ansys Multiphysics Solution”, NSUT New Delhi,        18th - 22nd July 2022.
  6. Two-day Workshop on “Outcome Based Education & NBA Accreditation Procedures”, NSUT New Delhi, 30th - 31st Oct. 2021.
  7. One-week short-term course on “Computer Aided Manufacturing”, NITTTR Chandigarh,    13th - 17th March 2017.
  8. One-week short-term course on “Advances in Soft Computing Techniques for Solving Engineering Problems”, NSIT New Delhi,      17th - 21st July 2017.
  9. One-week short-term course on “Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Applications”, NSIT, New Delhi, 26th - 30th Dec. 2016.
  10. One-week short-term course on “NISA Suite of Finite Element Analysis Software”, Cranes Software International Limited, New Delhi,        6th - 20th July 2007.
  11. Two-week short-term course on “CAD and Optimization”, NSIT New Delhi, 20th Nov. - 01st Dec. 2006.
  12. Two-week short-term course on “Modeling and Simulation”, NSIT, New Delhi, 04th -15th Dec. 2006.
Administrative Responsibilities

1. Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engg; NSUT (From 26-09-2018 to 09-10-2024).

2. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, NSUT  (From 23-09-2017- till date).

3. Head, Division of MPAE, NSIT (From 09-05-1018 to      25-09-2018).

4. Associate Head, Division of MPAE, NSIT (From 14-05-2009 to 08-05-2018).

5. Member of First Senate, NSUT.

6. Chairman, Research Advisory Committee (RAC), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NSUT (From 26-09-2018 to 09-10-2024).

7. Chairman, Board of Studies (BOS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, NSUT (From 22-02-2019 to 09-10-2024).

8. Member, Board of Research Studies (BRS), Faculty of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (FEME), NSUT (From 22-02-2019 to 09-10-2024).

9. Member, Board of Research Studies (BRS), Faculty of Design, NSUT

10. Member, Proctorial Board, NSUT, (From 29-01-2020 - till date).

11. Convener, Selection Committee for admission in Ph.D. programme of MPAE/ME under QIP Scheme (Ref. No. QIP (4) Ph.D. /2018/NSUT/49 dated 18-01-2019).

12. Convener, Ph.D. Interview Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NSUT (From 26-09-2018 to 09-10-2024).

13. Chairman, API Score Verifying Committee, NSUT

14. Chairman, Marks Compilation Committee, NSUT (Recruitment of Jr. Mechanic (Mech) and Technical Assistant (Mech) in ME Department at NSUT) (F. No. 220 (24)/2021/Estt/NSUT/244 dated 29-04-2022).

15. Member, Course Coordination Committee (CCC),        B. Tech Project/Training, ME Department, NSUT (From    10-10-2024- till date)

16. Member, DRC, Faculty of Technology, Delhi University.

17. Member, BRS, Faculty of Technology, Delhi University.

18. External Expert, UGBOS and PGBOS, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Sonepat, Haryana, India (From 26-08-2021 to 25-08-2023).

19. Chairman, Short Listing Committee, NSUT (for the post of Junior Mechanic and Technical Assistant in Mechanical Engineering (F. No. 220 (24)/2018/Estt./NSUT/1662,    dated 27-01-2022).

20. Chairman, Skill Test Committee for Technical and Non-Technical posts in ME Department, NSUT (F. No. 220 (24)/2021/Estt/NSUT/1681 dated 31-01-2022).

21. Chairman, Result Preparation Committee (Assistant Professor in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture (IEV), Department of Management, NSUT (F. No. 220 (90)/Recruit/Asst. Prof./IEV/2022-23/NSUT/1318 dated    21-07-2022).

22. Member, Screening Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, NSUT (for screening applications for various faculty positions (F. No. 220 (9)/2019/Estt./NSUT/636,  dated 28-06-2022).

23. Member, Screening Committee, Department of Physics, NSUT (for screening applications for various faculty positions (F. No. 220 (9)/2019/Estt./NSUT/456, dated        07-06-2022).

24. Observer, Conduction of Written Test of Assistant Professor at NSUT (F. No. 220 (179) Recruit /AP/Exam/NSUT/2024-25/289 dated 25-11-2024).

25. Observer, Ph.D. Written Test, NSUT (26 July 2021)    (F. No. 220 (54)/Exam/ Ph.D./ODD/2021-22)/NSUT/494 dated 21-07-2021).

26. Observer, End Sem Theory Exam., NSUT (10-08-2022) (F. No. 220 (92)/End-term/Exam/ 2022-23)/NSUT/842 dated 02-08-2022).

27. Observer, Mid Sem Theory Exam., NSUT (15-06-2022) (F. No. 220 (72)/Mid-term/Exam/ 2021- 22)/NSUT/1223  dated 10-06-2022).

28. Member, Screening Committee, NSUT (to evaluate the applications for the positions of Adjunct Faculty, Professor Emeritus and Visiting Faculty in Mechanical Engineering Department (F. No. 122 (481)/2017/Estt./NSUT/1348, dated 09-11-2021).

29. Member, Moderation Committee (BE II, IV, VI and VIII Sem of NSIT students, Faculty of Technology (University of Delhi), (Ref. No. FT/265 dated 07-06-2021).

30. Member, Purchase Committee, DTU (F. No. DTU/MED/HOD/2021/467/1 dated 19-03-2021 (Justification of purchase of Dynamic Testing Machine in Metal Forming Lab of ME Department of DTU Delhi).

Organization of International Conferences as Organizing Secretary

  1. Second International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOME-2023), 01st - 02nd September 2023 at NSUT, New Delhi.
  2. First International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOME-2021), 25th - 26th November 2021 at NSUT, New Delhi.
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List of Research Publications

  1. Kamal, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh,                  “Modelling and Optimization of Fluid Frictional Torque in a Single Stage Centrifugal Pump with a Vaned Diffuser based on RSM, ANN and Desirability Function (DF)”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (An International Journal), (Elsevier) (,        Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 728-741, 2025, Impact Factor - 1.00, [SCIE].
  2. Rakesh Kumar Yadu, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “An experimental and optimization of heat transfer between two-disk systems”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (An International Journal), (Sage), (, Volume 238, Issue 22, pp. 10873-10888, 02 August 2024 (Online), Impact Factor - 1.8 [SCI].
  3. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “A machine learning-genetic algorithm based models for optimization of intensification process through microwave reactor: A new approach for rapid and sustainable synthesis of biodiesel from novel Hiptage benghalensis seed oil”, Fuel              (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, (, Volume 374, 15 October 2024, pp.132470 (Impact Factor - 6.7 [SCIE].
  4. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “ A machine learning response surface optimization approach to enhance the performance of diesel engine using novel blends of aloe vera biodiesel with MWCNT nanoparticles and hydrogen”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, (An International Journal), (Elsevier) Science Direct,,    Vol. 186, pp. 738-755, June 2024, (Impact Factor - 7.8) [SCI].
  5. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh and Umit Agbulut, “A hybrid RSM-GA-PSO approach on optimization of process intensification of linseed biodiesel synthesis using an ultrasonic reactor: Enhancing biodiesel properties and engine characteristics with ternary fuel blends”, Energy (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, (,    Vol. 288, 01 February 2024, 129077, (Impact Factor - 9) [SCI].
  6. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kr. Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, and D.K. Singh, “A comprehensive machine learning-coupled response surface methodology approach for predictive modeling and optimization of biogas potential in anaerobic   Co-digestion of organic waste”, Biomass and Bioenergy (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Science Direct, ( November 2023 (Online), Vol. 180, January 2024, 106995, (Impact Factor - 6.0) [SCIE].
  7. Dheeraj Kumar Das, Aqueel Ahmad, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, Ashok Kumar Yadav, “Numerical simulation of the combustion chamber and performance analysis of microalgae-based biodiesel/diesel powered CI engine: An axisymmetric flow approach”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (An International Journal), (Sage), (, 10 December 2023 (Online), (Impact Factor - 2.4) [SCIE].
  8. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kr. Yadav, Achhaibar Singh, D.K. Singh, “Multi-response optimization of a microalgae-spirulina-fueled VCR diesel engine: a comprehensive RSM-GA approach”, Environment, Development and Sustainability (An International Journal), (Springer), (, 28th October 2023 (Online),              (In Press), (Impact Factor - 4.9) [SCI].
  9. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “Enhancement of biogas yield from dual organic waste using hybrid statistical approach and its effects on ternary fuel blend (biodiesel/n‐butanol/diesel) powered diesel engine”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (An International Journal), (Wiley), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, (, Vol. 42, No. 5, September/October 2023, (Impact Factor - 2.824) [SCI].
  10. Aqueel Ahmad, Ashok Kumar Yadav, Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “Optimization of Biogas Yield from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Dual Waste for Environmental Sustainability: ANN, RSM, and GA Approach”, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology (Inderscience), (, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 75-101, April 2023, (Impact Factor - 0.6 ) [SCI].
  11. Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “An Investigation on the Forced Convection Heat Transfer in the Gap of Two Rotating Disks with Laminar Flow”, Heat Transfer (An International Journal), (Wiley), (, Vol. 50,  Issue 7, pp. 6964-6983, November 2021, (Impact Factor - 0.469) [SCIE].
  12. Achhaibar Singh and D.K. Singh, “An Investigation on Forced Convection in Clearance of Corotating Disks with Diverging Laminar Flow”, Journal of Fluids Engineering (An International Journal), (ASME), Vol. 143,      Issue 3, 034502-1 to 5, March 2021, (, (Impact Factor - 2.056) [SCI].
  13. Laxmi Narain and D.K. Singh, “Direct Normal Irradiance Predictions using Broadband Models for Indian Stations”, Energy Reports (An International Journal), (Elsevier), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 572-576, 2020, ( (Impact Factor - 6.87) [SCIE].
  14. Anurag Singh Bisht and D.K. Singh, “Various Issues Concerning Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)”, International Journal of Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering (IJAPIE), Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 51-53, 2019, (
  15. A. Chauhan, S. Sharma, and D.K. Singh, “Minimization of Transportation Cost: Genetic vs Traditional”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 6,    Issue 1, pp. 18-22, January-March 2019.
  16. A. Prasanth and D.K. Singh, “An Optimization Model for Container Space Utilization for a Single Warehouse and Multiple Retailer System”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 6,    Issue 2, pp. 121-127, April-June 2019.
  17. Ashish Sharma and D.K. Singh, “Sustainable Development through Waste Management”, Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET), Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 87-91, April-June 2019.
  18. Parth Sarthi Bhargava and D.K. Singh, “Solution for Food Waste Minimization using Data Analytics”, International Conference on Business & Management, 29-30th March 2019, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India.
  19. Jayant K. Jha and D.K. Singh, “A Multi-Objective Optimization Model for a Green Open Loop Supply Chain”, 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL 2018), December 19-21, 2018, Amity University, Noida, India.
  20. D.K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Synergy of Supply Chain Management and Information Technology in JIT”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 83-88, April-June 2018.
  21. D. K. Singh and A. Trivedi, “Quality Management in Educational Institutions”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 40-44, March 2018.
  22. S. Choudhary, S. K. Nayak, A. Malik and            D. K. Singh, “Important Issues in Supply Chain Management and Development”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 45-54, March 2018.
  23. A. Kataria and D. K. Singh, “Analysis of Supply Chain Challenges Using Interpretive Structural Model”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2,              pp. 105-109, January-March 2018.
  24. N. Singh and D. K. Singh, “A Mathematical Model-Based Supplier Selection”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 118-121, January-March 2018.
  25. H. Joshi and D. K. Singh, “Optimal Transportation Cost Using Genetic Algorithm”, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (JAAE), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 17-19, January-March 2018.
  26. S. K. Suman, S. Chauhan, and D. K. Singh,        “A Mathematical Model to Optimize Cost in Reverse Logistics”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 110-113, January-March 2018.
  27. S. Rawat, T.K. Singh and D. K. Singh, “Forecasting Methods for Determining Food Demand”, Advances in Economics and Business Management (AEBM), Vol. 5, Issue 2,              pp. 114-117, January-March 2018.
  28. P. Dwivedi, D.K. Singh and P. Chamoli, “Application of AHP and PAM in Green Manufacturing”, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (JMSME), Vol. 5,    Issue 1, pp. 23-26, January-March 2018.
  29. S. Choudhary, A. Jacob, A. Trivedi, and              D. K. Singh, “Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy”, Indian Journal of Economics and Development (IJED), Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp.1-7, April 2017.
  30. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Supply Chain Management: A Buyer-Supplier Perspective and JIT”, IEEE Conference Proceedings (978-1-5090-6140-2/2017/© 2017 IEEE) of International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling (ICQPROM 2017), Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad (India), pp. 25-28,  5-7 January 2017.
  31. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: Various Aspects of its Implementation” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.1582-1586, May-June 2013.
  32. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “Working with JIT requires a Flexible Approach”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (An International Journal), Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp.24-28, March-April 2013.
  33. D. K. Singh and Satyendra Singh, “JIT: A Strategic Tool of Inventory Management”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 2,        pp. 133-136, March-April 2013.
  34. D. K. Singh, “Kaizen Approach to Implement JIT”, GITAM Journal of Management, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.226-232, July-September 2012.
  35. D. K. Singh, “Synergy of JIT and Stockout Situations in Manufacturing”, Prestige International Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 2 and 3, No.2 and 1, pp.41-47, July 2009- January 2010.
  36. D. K. Singh, “Quality Management: An Essential Ingredient for JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.327-334, January-March 2009.
  37. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Competitiveness through JIT”, Industrial Engineering Journal,      Vol. II, Issue 5, pp.26-29, November 2009.
  38. D. K. Singh, “Effect of Manufacturing Environment on JIT Implementation”, Rai Management Journal, Vol. 6, Issue II, pp.55-60, October 2008.
  39. D. K. Singh, “Manufacturing Flexibility and JIT”, PCTE Journal of Business Management          (An International Journal), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.103-106, Jan-June 2008.
  40. D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation and Indian Industries”, GITAM Journal of Management,    Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.120-128, Oct-Dec 2008.
  41. D. K. Singh, “JIT & TQM: Synergistic Approach can lead to World Class Manufacturing”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol.11, No.1, pp.82-92, April 2007.
  42. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Implementation in Strategic Business Environment through Information Technology”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.36, No.07, pp.17-20, July 2007.
  43. D. K. Singh, “An Automated JIT Manufacturing System”, PCTE Journal of Business Management (An International Journal), Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 28-32, July-December 2006.
  44. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “JIT Implementation in the Service Sector”, Productivity, Vol. 47,      No. 1-2, pp. 55-63, April-September 2006.
  45. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “An Exploration of the components of customer satisfaction affecting JIT Implementation”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 10, No.1 & 2, pp. 87-95, April-October 2006.
  46. D. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “JIT Manufacturing and Information Technology: An Investigation into their Relationship”, International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Information Technology, Nov. 12, 2005, PCTE Ludhiana.
  47. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “How does JIT Work?”, Prestige Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 105-109, April 2005.
  48. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “The Scope of JIT Implementation”, Productivity, Vol. 45, No. 4,    pp. 628-633, January-March 2005.
  49. S. Sharma and D. K. Singh, “Economic Procurement Cycles in Response to JIT Concept”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Production Engg. Division, Vol. 85,      pp. 36-40, September 2004.
  50. D. K. Singh, “Threats of Ozone Depletion and Environmental Degradation”, 10th ISME Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 9-11, 1996, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi.
  51. D. K. Singh, “Renewable Energy: The Last Resort”, National Solar Energy Convention,  Dec. 28-30, 1992, IIT Delhi.
  52. D. K. Singh, “Energy – Potential and Conservation”, National Solar Energy Convention, Dec. 28-30, 1992, IIT Delhi.
  53. D. K. Singh, “Quality Control in Development of Balancing Valve”, National Seminar on Energy Conservation and Management, Oct. 10-11, 1991, NIT, Kurukshetra.
  54. D. K. Singh, “Scope of Energy Conservation in Lighting”, All India Seminar on Thermal Insulation and other Devices for Conservation of Energy, Oct. 9-10, 1991, Institution of Engineers (India), New Delhi.
  55. D. K. Singh, “By-pass Factor for Dehumidifying Coil”, Eight National Symposium on Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Feb. 26-27, 1988, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur.

Books Publication (International)

  1. A First Course in Mechanics of Materials, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  2. An Advanced Course in Mechanics of Materials, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  3. Principles of Mechanical Engineering: An Integrated Approach, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  4. Inventory Management: A Supply Chain Approach, Springer, Singapore (In Press), 2025.
  5. Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Singapore, 2024.
  6. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering: Concepts and Applications, Third Edition, Springer, Singapore, 2024.
  7. Strength of Materials, Fourth Edition, Springer, Singapore, 2021.
  8. Strength of Materials, Third Edition, CRC Press    (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2014.
  9. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2014.
  10. Manufacturing Technology: Theory and Problems, Second Edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2009.
  11. Strength of Materials, Second Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008.
  12. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Second Edition, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA, 2008.
  13. Manufacturing Technology: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2004.
  14. Mechanics of Solids: Theory and Problems, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2002.

Books Publication (National)

  1. Strength of Materials, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016.
  2. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014.
  3. Just in Time: Concept and Practices, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
  4. Multiple Choice Questions in Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  5. Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
  6. Manufacturing Technology, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.,      New Delhi, 2012.
  7. Strength of Materials: Problems and Solutions, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
  8. Quality Control for Engineers and Managers, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi, 2001.

Book Chapters (International)

  1. Yash Murthy and D. K. Singh, “Supply Chain Event Alert Push Notifications for E-Commerce Business Managers” in Recent Developments in Mechanics and Design (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 343-351, 21 July 2024 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME - 2023.
  2. Varun Giri and D. K. Singh, “A Study on Challenges and Their Redressal in Supply Chain Management” in Recent Developments in Mechanics and Design (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 455-473, 21 July 2024 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME - 2023.
  3. Kamal, Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “Investigation of Tangential Shear Stress and Frictional Torque Coefficient over a Rotating Disk of the Rotor-Stator System”, Second International Conference on Aspects of Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME-2023),  13-14 October 2023, Materials Today, Elsevier, UK (Scopus).
  4. Aqueel Ahmad, Achhaibar Singh, D. K. Singh and Ashok Kumar Yadav, “An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Diethyl Ether as an Additive on the Performance of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine” in Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 69-75, 05 November 2022 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME- 2021.
  5. Dheeraj Kumar Das, Achhaibar Singh and D. K. Singh, “Highly Confined Flow Past a Circular Cylinder” in Recent Trends in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 199-207, 05 November 2022 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of INCOME- 2021.
  6. Debashis Pramanik and D. K. Singh, “Strategic Enhancement of Operating Efficiency and Reliability of Process Steam Boilers System in Industry” in Advances in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 413-430, 14 January 2021 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of ICAPIE- 2019.
  7. Debashis Pramanik and D. K. Singh, “System Optimization for Economic and Sustainable Production and Utilization of Compressed Air    (A Case Study in Asbestos Sheet Manufacturing Plant)” in Advances in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering), pp. 1031-1046, 14 January 2021 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (, Select Proceedings of ICAPIE- 2019. 
  8. Swadhin Kumar Nayak and D. K. Singh,          “An Approach to Implement Quality Tools in Inventory Management” in Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol.698, pp. 395-403, 29 September 2018 (Online), Springer, Singapore (Scopus), (
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