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Rashmi Gupta
Professor & HOD


 Prof. Rashmi Gupta has done her M.E. and Ph.D. degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering,  Delhi University. She received her Bachelor degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Institute of Electronics and  Telecommunication Engineering Delhi. She has rich industrial experience of eight years and teaching experience of nineteen years. She  is also holding position of founder Director of Incubation cell AIACTR- IRF funded by Delhi Govt. She has authored over 90  research papers in various renowned international journal and conferences. She is Editor of three books. Her five patents are published and one patent is filed. She has also been associated with many International research organizations as technical program committee member, editorial board member and reviewer. Her research interests include Signal and Image processing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. She is Fellow  Member of IETE and Senior Member of IEEE.







Publications in International Journal

1. Tanupreet, Rashmi Gupta, “Deep Facial Recognition after Medical Alterations", Multimedia Tools and Applications. March 2022,, SCIE, IF 2.757

2. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar “A Multimodal Biometric System using Match Score and Decision Level Fusion”,  Int. j. inf. tecnol., 14, 725–730, Springer, March 2022, Tanupreet, 3. Rashmi Gupta, “Deep Facial Recognition after Medical Alterations", Multimedia Tools and Applications. March 2022,, SCIE, IF 2.757

4. Sachin Dhawan, Chinmay chakraborty, Jaroslav Frnda , Rashmi Gupta, Arun Kumar Rana , and Subhendu Kumar Pani, "SSII: secured and high-quality steganography using intelligent hybrid optimization Algorithms for IoT," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 87563-87578, June 2021, SCIE, IF 3.367,

  1. Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, “High-Quality Steganography Scheme Using Hybrid Edge Detector & Vernam Algorithm based on Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,  Wiley, vol. 33, no. 24, Dec. 2021, SCI, I.F. 1.447,
  2. Pooja Pandey, Rashmi Gupta, Nidhi Goel, “ A Fast and Effective Vision Enhancement Method for Single Foggy Image”, Engineering Science and Technology, Elsevier, May 2021,, SCIE, IF  4.36
  3. Sanjeev Kumar Saini, Rashmi Gupta, “Artificial intelligence methods for analysis of electrocardiogram signals for cardiac abnormalities: state-of-the-art and future challenges”, Artificial Intelligence Review,  April 2021., Springer, SCI, IF  8.139
  1. Dipti Kalra, Rashmi Gupta, “Novel model for pitch estimation using hybrid DWT-DCT HPS”, Int. j. inf. tecnol. 13, 1409–1415, Springer, (August 2021).
9. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, “Facial Marks for Enhancing Facial Recognition after Plastic Surgery, International Journal of Information Technology”, Springer, 13, 391–396, Springer,  Feb. 2021,


10. Rashmi Gupta, Manju Khari, Dipti Gupta, Ruben Gonzalez-crespo, “Fingerprint Image Enhancement and Reconstruction using the orientation and phase reconstruction”, Information Sciences, Vol. 530, August 2020, 201-218, Elsevier,, SCI, IF  7.89

11. Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, “Analysis of various data security techniques of steganography: A survey, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor and Francis, 12 August 2020, Vol – 30, Issue-2, pp 63-87, ESCI,

  1. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar, “Neural networks for facial age estimation: a survey on recent advances”, Artif Intell Rev, Springer, 53, 3299–3347 (June 2020).  SCI, IF  9.69.
  2. Rashmi Gupta, Manju Khari,Vipul Gupta, Elena Verdú, Xing Wu, Ruben Gonzalez Crespo, “Fast Single Image Haze Removal Method for Inhomogeneous Environment Using Variable Scattering Coefficient”, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Tech Science Press, 123(3):1175-1195, May 2020,  SCI, IF 1.593,DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2020.010092
  3. Manju Khari, Aditya Kumar Garg, Amir H Gandomi, Rashmi Gupta, Rizwan Patan, Balamurugan Balusamy, “Securing Data in the Internet of Things using Cryptography and Steganography Techniques”, January 2020, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems vol. 50, issue 1, pp. 73 – 80, 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2903785SCI, IF 13.451
  4. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, “Human Identification after Plastic Surgery using Region based Score Level Fusion of Local Facial Features”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 48, page102373, October 2019,, SCIE, IF 5.43.
  5. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, Lee Houng Son, Raghvendra Kumar, Sudan Jha , “Recognition of surgically altered face images: an empirical analysis on recent advances. Artificial Intelligence Review 52, 1009–1040 August 2019,, SCI, IF  8.139.
  6. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Raghvendra Kumar , “Iris Localization for Direction and Deformation Independence based on Polynomial Curve Fitting and Singleton Expansion”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, vol. 78, pp.  19279–19303, July 2019,, SCIE, IF 2.319.
18. Garima Srivastava, Rashmi Gupta, Raghvendra Kumar, Dac-Nhuong Le., “Space-Time Code Design Using Quaternions, Octonions and Other Non-Associative Structures” vol. 10 issue 2, 2019, The International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems, Scopus
  1. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Raghvendra Kumar, Sudan Jha “Fog Removal in Images using Improved Dark Channel Prior and Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, August 2019, vol.78, pp 23281–23307,, SCIE, IF 2.757
  2. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Sudan Jha, Raghvendra Kumar, “Adaptive Technique with Cross Correlation for Lowering Signal-to-Noise Ratio Wall in Sensor Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, April 2019, vol.105, issue 3, pp. 787-802,, SCIE, IF 1.671.
  3. Megha Dua, Rashmi Gupta, Manju Khari, Ruben Gonzalez-crespo, “Biometric iris recognition using radial basis function neural network, Soft Computing, Springer, 23, 11801–11815, January 2019,, SCIE, IF 3.643.
  4. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Sudan Jha, Raghvendra Kumar, “Boosting Performance of Power Quality Event Identification with KL Divergence Measure and Standard Deviation”, Measurement, volume 126, pp. 134-142, October 2018, Elsevier, SCIE, IF 2.359.
  5. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Raghavendra Kumar, Le Hoang Son, Sudan Jha (2018), “New Scheme for Underwater Acoustically Wireless Transmission Using Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access in MIMO Systems”, Wireless Networks, May 2018, pp. 1-13, Springer, SCI, IF  1.584.
  6. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Sudan Jha, Raghvendra Kumar (2018), “Detection of Power Quality Event using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Support Vector Machine”, Measurement, vol. 120, May 2018, Pages 52-75, Elsevier, SCIE, IF 2.359
25. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Morphological Mapping for Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Technique”, IET Computer Vision, vol. 9, no.2, pp. 226-233, April 2015, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2013.0316, SCI, IF 1.524.


26. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction using Fuzzy Lattices,” IET Computer Vision, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.201-208, June 2013, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2012.0097, SCI, IF 1.524.

27. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Classification of PQ disturbances using non-linear dimensionality reduction,” Int. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Springer, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 147-156,  June 2013. SCIE, IF 0.569

28.  Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Fuzzy Lattice based Technique for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances,” European Transactions on Electrical Powers, Wiley, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 1053-1064, 2012. SCIE, IF 1.085

29.Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Statistically Matched Wavelet Based Method for Detection of PQ Events,” International Journal of Electronics, Taylor and Francis, vol. 98, no.1, pp.109-127, Jan. 2011.  SCIE, IF 0.751

30. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar “Human-Age Estimation System based on double level Feature Fusion of Face and Gait images” International journal of Image and data fusion, Taylor and Francis, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 222-236, 2017, ESCI, IS 1.92

31. Rashmi Gupta, Kirti Gupta, “Iris Recognition using Templates Fusion with Weighted Majority Voting,” Int. Journal of Image and data fusion, Taylor and Francis, vol. 7, no.  4, pp. 325-338, 2016. ESCI.

32. Kirti Gupta, Rashmi Gupta, “Multiresolution Wavelet Based Image Fusion for Iris Recognition,” International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition, Inderscience, U.K., vol.2, no.2, pp. 182-198, 2015. ESCI

33. Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor, “Data Compression by Discrete Wavelet Transform using Matched Wavelet, Int. J. Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience,  U.K., Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 205-214, 2015. ESCI

34.  Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor, “Comparison of Graph Based Methods for Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction,” Int. J. of Signal and Imaging System Engineering, Inderscience, U.K., vol. 5, no.2, pp. 101-109, 2012. ESCI

35. Pooja Tandon, Rashmi Gupta, “Facial Expression Recognition Using Biogeography-Based Optimization with Support Vector Machine,” Int. J of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No.6, pp. 1533-1538, June 2015. Google Scholar

36. Prachi Punyani, Ashwani Kumar, Rashmi Gupta, “An optimized Iris Recognition System using MOGA followed by Combined Classifiers”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 221-226, March 2016. Advanced Citation index, Global IF 0.265.

  1. Shivender Raghav, Rashmi Gupta, “Design of Maximally-Flat GCF Compensation Filter,” Int. J. of Research in Advent Technology, Vo. 3, No.6, pp. 73-76, June 2015. Advanced Citation index, Global IF 0.265.
38. Rashmi Gupta, Pooja Pandey, Rajiv Kapoor, “Spatial Distance Preservation Based Methods for Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction,” Int. J. of Computer Applications, U.K., vol. 69, no. 20, 2013. DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA 


39.  Rashmi Gupta, Hemant Tulsani, “Wavelets-based Denoising by Optimizing Polynomial Threshold Function,” Current Trends in Signal Processing, STM journals, Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 11-23, 2014. CSIR, ACS, ISA  

40. Hemant Tulsani, Rashmi Gupta, “Impact of Different Wavelets for Discrete and Shift Invariant Wavelet Transforms on Partial Discharge Signal Denoising,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology Innovations, IJETI, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13-21, January 2014. Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ

41. Hemant Tulsani, Rashmi Gupta, “A Comparative Study of Denoising 1-D Data using Wavelet Transform,” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 216-228, January 2014. Advanced Citation index, Global IF 0.265  

42. Shalini Rajput, Mamta Bhardwaj, Rashmi Gupta “An Approach for Vehicle Detection in Complex Environments,” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 209-217, February 2014. Advanced Citaton index, Global IF 0.265

43. Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor, “Extensions and Analysis of Local Non-Linear Techniques,” Int. J. of Computer Applications, U.K., vol. 51, no. 13, pp. 1-6, 2011. EBSCO, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA

44. Manish Sharma, Rashmi Gupta, Deepak Kumar, Rajiv Kapoor, “Efficacious approach for satellite Image Classification,” J. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, Academic journals, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 143-150, 2011, EZB

45. Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor “Unsupervised Locally Linear Embedding for Dimension Reduction,” Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (Letter), ACEEE, Finland, vol. 4, no. 1, 2010. SIS, ASI, Google scholar

46. Rashmi Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Rajiv Kapoor, “Implementation of Dimension Reduction Technique for Face Recognition,” Int.  Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, ACEEE, Finland, vol. 3, no.2, pp 144-146, 2010. Google scholar, Innospace,

47. Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor, Akash Bhatia, Nalin Handa, Gurpreet Singh “Classification of Brodatz Texture Images on Entropy Basis,” International Journal of Advances in Communication Engineering, IJACE, vol. 1, no.2, pp.61-65, 2009

Publications in National Journal


Publications in National Conferences

1. Manish Sharma, Rashmi Gupta, Deepak Kumar, Rajiv Kapoor “Fuzzy Logic System for Image Classification” Fifteenth Annual Conference of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS), Dec 12-14, 2010, New Delhi.

2. Rashmi Gupta, Bhawna Aggarwal “Comparison and Classification of Brodatz Texture on Entropy Basis” 4th National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2009), Insitiute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad,  Nov. 25–27, 2009

3. Rashmi Gupta “Image Denoising by Wiener Filtering in Frequency Domain & Wavelet domain” National Conference on Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Systems organized by Department of Electronic & Communication Engineering, Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna on September 27, 2008. 

4.  Rashmi Gupta, Rajeshwari Pandey “Comparison of Discrete Cosine Transform, Karhunen Loeve Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform for Image Compression” National Conference on Energy, Communication and Computer System, MAIT, Delhi, Feb.2-4, 2006 (NC-ECC2006).

Publications in International Conferences

1. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta,  A Deep Learning Approach to Recognize Faces After Plastic Surgery. In: Bansal, R.C., Agarwal, A., Jadoun, V.K. (eds) Advances in Energy Technology. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 766, 2022, Springer, Singapore.

2.Pooja Pandey, Nidhi Goel, Rashmi Gupta, (2022). Single Image Defogging Algorithm-Based on Modified Haze Line Prior. In: Gupta, G., Wang, L., Yadav, A., Rana, P., Wang, Z. (eds) Proceedings of Academia-Industry Consortium for Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1411. Springer, Singapore.

3. Pooja Pandey, Rashmi Gupta, Nidhi Goel, Morphological Map based Single Image Defogging, IEEE, Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 26-27 Aug. 2021, DOI: 10.1109/SPIN52536.2021.9566044

4. Neeru Bala, Ritesh Vyas, Rashmi Gupta and Anil Kumar, Iris recognition using improved Xor-Sum Code, International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2020), NIT Jamshedpur, Nov. 05-06, 2020,   Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE,volume 744) 2021, volume 744, ISBN 978-981-33-6780-7

5.Arun Kumar Rana, Sachin Dhwan, Sharad Sharma, Rashmi Gupta , Ram Krishna, “Review on Artificial Intelligence with Internet of Things - Problems, Challenges and Opportunities”, 2nd  IEEE international conference on Power Energy Environment and Intelligent Control, PEEIC 2019, Greater Noida, India, 18-19 Oct. 2019,  IEEE(Scopus Indexed)

6. Shravan Kumar Rashmi Gupta, “A Comparative study of Classical and Quantum Cryptography, Proceedings of the 13th INDIACom; INDIACom-2019; IEEE Conference ID: 46181 2019 6th  International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 13th - 15th March, 2019 Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi (INDIA)

7. Neha Sharma, Sandhya Kanoujia and Rashmi, Gupta, “Crack Detection and Removal in Digital Images”, IEEE 6th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  13th - 15th March, 2019

8. Sachin Dhawan and Rashmi Gupta, “Comparative Analysis of Domains of Technical Steganographic Techniques”, 6th IEEE  International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, INDIACom 2019 organized by BVICAM,  13th - 15th March, 2019, IEEE,

9. Sanjeev Kumar Saini and Rashmi Gupta, “A Review on ECG Signal Analysis for Mental Stress Assessment, “IEEE 6th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  13th - 15th March, 2019

10. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, “Enhanced Facial Recognition using SURF, multi-KNN and BPNN technique”, the summit on  Computational & Web Intelligence,  14th September 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.

11. Vipul Gupta, Rashmi Gupta, Hemant Vats, “Fast Image Fog Removal Technique”, IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

12. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, “Facial Marks for Enhancing Facial Recognition after Plastic Surgery”, IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018.

13. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar “A Multimodal Biometric System using Match Score and Decision Level Fusion”, IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018.

14. Pooja Pandey, Rashmi Gupta, “Comparison of distance and topology preserving techniques based on dimensionality reduction”, IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

15. Pooja Tyagi, Rashmi Gupta, “An Efficient Method for Automatic License Plate Identification”, Proceedings of the 12th- INDIACom-2018; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

16. Dipti Kalra, Rashmi Gupta, “Novel Model for Pitch estimation using Hybrid DWT-DCT HPS”, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

17. Rashmi Gupta, Meenakshi Bisla, Pooja Pandey, RaghvendraKumar, “Biomedical Image De-noising using DWT by Different Wavelets and Filter Technique“, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE Conference

18. Rashmi Gupta, Advait Khedkar, Arpit Jain, Shubham Gupta, “Intelligent Lighting Solution for Domestic Users: Home Automation using Internet of Things”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

19. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar, Gaurika Jaitly “A Review of Score Level Fusion Techniques for Multi-Modal Biometric Systems”, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

20.  Priyanka Prasad, Rashmi Gupta, Kavita Bhatt, Rajiv Kapoor, “A Comparative Study on Foreground Detection Methods and Performance in Video Processing”, Proceedings of the 12thINDIACom-2018; Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

21. Rashmi Gupta, Deepak Chaudhary, Kaushal Sharma, Rajiv Kapoor, “Voice based Application Designed for Visually Impaired People and enabling them to use Gmail Services”, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

22. Neha Sharma, Bhawna Aggarwal, Rashmi Gupta, Manisha Bharti, “Haze Removal Algorithm based on Color Attenuation Prior”, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-18; IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

23. Hemant Vats, Rashmi Gupta, Dipti Kalra, “Pitch Period Estimation Methods”, IEEE 5th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM,  14th  -16th  March, 2018

24.  Dipti, Ashutosh Gupta, MeghaDua,  Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Image Fusion using Multi-Resolution SVD”, Proceedings of the 12th INDIACom-2018; IEEE Conference ID: 42835

25. Kavita Bhatt, C.S. Vinitha, Rashmi Gupta,  “Secure Speech Enhancement using LPC based FEM In Wiener Filter”, Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing Proceedings (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series, vol. 542, Springer,  pp 657-665, June 2017.

26. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, Ashwani Kumar, “A Comparison Study of Face, Gait and Speech Features for Age Estimation”,  Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 443. Springer, Oct. 2017

27. Hemant Tulsani, Palak Chawla, Rashmi Gupta, “Visual Cryptography and Integer Wavelet Transform based Watermarking for Securing Binary Images,” IEEE 4th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM, 01st - 03rd March, 2017.

28. Renu Sehrawat, C.S.Vinitha, Rashmi Gupta, Gunjan, “Object Classification With Bag-of-Visual Words’’, IEEE 4th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM, New Delhi, 01st - 03rd March, 2017

29. Dipti, Megha Dua, Rashmi Gupta, “Recognition of Handwritten Devanagri Script,” IEEE  4th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM, New Delhi, 01st - 03rd March, 2017.

30. Rashmi Gupta, Neha Sharma, Dipti “Fog Removal by Semi Inverse Approach, “IEEE  4th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, organized by BVICAM, New Delhi, 01st - 03rd March, 2017.

31. Abhilasha Malhotra, Rashmi Gupta, “Iris Anti-Spoofing under Varying Illumination Conditions” IEEE India International Conference on Information Processing IICIP 2016, Delhi Technological University August 12-14, 2016.

32. Prachi Punyani, Rashmi Gupta, “Iris Recognition system using Morphology and Sequential Addition Based Grouping”, IEEE International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational analysis and Knowledge management (ABLAZE 2015), 2015, Amity University, Greater Noida, India. pp 159-164.

33. Hemant Tulsani and Rashmi Gupta, “Wavelet Based Optimized Polynomial Threshold Function for ECG Signal Denoising”, Biomedical Imaging, Instrumentation, Sensing & Applications(BioSensApps), INDIACom – 2015,  11-13 March, 2015, Bharati Vidyapeeth's, Delhi

34. Vikas Varshney, Rashmi Gupta and Prerna Singh “Hybrid DWT-DCT based Method for Palm-print Recognition” IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 15-17, 2014, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India.

35. Hemant Tulsani, Rashmi Gupta “1-D Signal Denoising using Wavelets based Optimization of Polynomial Threshols Function,” proc. IEEE International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2014), October 8-10, 2014. Amity Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India.

36. Kirti Gupta, Rashmi Gupta, Iris Recognition System for Smart Environments, proc. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing, IGDTUW, Delhi, pp.1-6 5-6 September, 2014.

37. Rachit Sharma, Rashmi Gupta, “Religious Mantras Analysis Based on the Psychoacoustic Parameter,” proc. National Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Processing & Management, pp. 70-74, March 2014. (Received Best Paper Award)

38. Harlin Arora, Rashmi Gupta and, Ankit Kaushik, “Digital Watermarking in Frequency Domain” proc. National Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Processing & Management, pp. 83-85, March 2014.

39. Hemant Tulsani, Rashmi gupta, Rajiv Kapoor,”An improved Methodology for Blood Cell counting,” proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia, signal Processing and Communication Technologies, pp. 88-92, 23-25 Nov., 2013.

40. Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor “Image Compression using 2-Dimensional Transforms” 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT-2010), Oct. 30, 2010, pp.355-360.

41. Sunil Kumar, Rashmi Gupta, Rajiv Kapoor, Asok Bhattacharyya, “Multi View Image Registration And Removal of Transformation Errors” International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET’10) ACM Digital library, February 26–27, 2010, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, pp-814-821

Books/Book Chapters

Book Editor

Rashmi Gupta, Arun Kumar Rana, Sachin Dhawan, Korhan Cengiz, Advanced Sensing in Image Processing and IoT, March 28, 2022 CRC Press Taylor and Francis,, ISBN 9781032117379

Rashmi Gupta, Manju Khari, “Multimodal Biometric Systems, Security and Applications”, CRC Press, ISBN 9780367685560, September 27, 2021 by CRC Press, 166 Pages

Book Chapter

1. Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, Aruna Kumar Rana, “Steganography and Steganalysis using Machine Learning”, chapter Book Internet of Things, 2021, pp- 249-257, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, ISSN No. 978-1-00-314044-3.

2. Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, Arun Kumar Rana,”Internet of things: Security Issues, Challenges and its Applications”, Chapter in Multimodal Biometric Systems, 2021, pp- 111-124, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, ISSN No. 978-1-00-313806-8.

3. Sanjeev Saini, Rashmi Gupta “ECG Based Biometric Authentication Systems using Artificial Intelligence methods”, Chapter in Multimodal Biometric Systems: Security and Application, CRC press Taylor & Francis, Sep. 2021, ISBN9781003138068.

4.  Deepti Dhingra, Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, “Deep Learning-Based Computer Vision: Security, Application & Opportunities, Chapter in Multimodal Biometric Systems: Security and Application, CRC press Taylor & Francis, Sep. 2021, ISBN9781003138068.

5. Pooja Pandey, Rashmi Gupta, Nidhi Goel, “Recognition of Foggy Image for Surveillance Application,  T&F, Book Chapter, Multimodal Biometric Systems : Security and Application, Taylor & Francis, Sep. 2021.

6. Arun Kumar Rana, Sharad Sharma, Sachin Dhawan, Shubham Tayal, “Towards Secure Deployment on the Internet of Robotic Things: Architecture, Applications, and Challenges, Multimodal Biometric Systems: Security and Applications”, Taylor and Francis, Sep. 2021

7. Sachin Dhawan, Rashmi Gupta, Various Swarm Optimization Algorithms: Review, Challenges, and Opportunities, “Soft Computing for Intelligent Systems, Algorithms for Intelligent systems, Scis – June 2021” pp 291–301Springer,

8. Rashmi Gupta, Dipti Gupta, Megha Dua, Manju Khari, “Hindi Optical Character Recognition and Its Applications,” Detecting and Mitigating Robotic Cyber Security Risks, IGI Global Book, Chapter 3, pp. 28-39, 2017. Scopus

9. Manju Khari, Gulshan Shrivastava, Sana Gupta, Rashmi Gupta, “Role of Cyber Security in Today's Scenario,” Detecting and Mitigating Robotic Cyber Security Risks, IGI Global Book, Chapter 13, pages 15.

Publications (Click to expand)


a. Rajiv Kapoor, Rashmi Gupta, “Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction using Fuzzy Lattices,” IET Computer Vision, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.201-208, June 2013, SCI,  IF 1.524, DOI: 10.1049/iet- cvi.2012.0097.

b. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, “Human Identification after Plastic Surgery using Region based Score Level Fusion of Local Facial Features”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 48, page 102373, October 2019, (SCIE, 2017 IF = 2.327),

c. Tanupreet Sabharwal, Rashmi Gupta, Le Hoang Son, Raghvendra Kumar, Sudan Jha (2018), “Recognition of Surgically Altered Face Images: An Empirical  Analysis on Recent Advances”, Artificial  Intelligence Review, Springer, 52, 1009–1040, September 2018 (SCI, 2017 IF = 5.942), DOI: 10.1007/s10462- 018-  9660-0




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