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Prof. Amar Nath Jha
Qualification Engg.(Elect),M.E(Elect.Engg)., Ph.D








A.N.Jha received the in electrical engineering and in control and instrumentation(Electrical Engineering Department),from Bhagalpur University and University of Delhi, India, in1988,2001respectively.He Is life member of ISTE,New Delhi.Presently working as Assistant Professor,Instrumentation and Control Engineering,NSIT,New Delhi,since2002.His field of research includes reduced order modeling and process control.He is also persuing Ph.D from university of Delhi.

Areas of Interest

Control system, process control and Mechatronics.


Publications in International Journal


Publications in National Journal


Publications in National Conferences


Publications in International Conferences


Books/Book Chapters


Publications (Click to expand)

Published /Accepted papers in Journals

  1. Y. V. Hote, A. N. Jha, J. R.P. Gupta, “  Reduced Order Modelling For Some Class Of Interval Systems,” International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, vol. 34, no.2, 2014 .
  2. A. N. Jha and Y.V. Hote, “Model order reduction techniques for cuk converter,” Accepted for Publications in the Journal of Instrument Society of India, 2014 (I.I.Sc. Bangalore, India,) Tentative publication date, March, 2015).
  3. Y. V. Hote and A. N. Jha, “ Note on performance analysis of reduced order models using padé approximation method,” ICIC Express Letters, 2014 ( Tentative date of publication August, 2015).

Presented Paper on 

  1.  “Reduced order state feedback controller design, (IEEE ICAETR-2014) International Conference, 2014 on August 1&2 2014 near Kanpur.
  2. Reduced Order Model Of Position Control System,2nd International conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Hyderabad,2011.
  3. Modal order reduction techniques for cuk converter ,National symposium on Instrumentation(NSI-39) on oct.15-17,2014 at Haridwar.


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